Friday, April 29, 2011

Frequent Photography Forums - Better Photos... Now!

Regardless of whether you've been a photographer for 10 days or 10 years, you probably have a question about something from time to time.  These days there are more photographers than ever before.  There is also more accessible knowledge than ever before.  Just go online, type your question into a search engine and you'll probably find that the majority of your results come from photography forums.

Photography forums are just like any other online forum.  Some are very helpful, some have a more active community than others and all are going to have a few people who just like to cause trouble.  If you have questions that need answered, it's probably in your best interest to find a forum (or forums) that are welcoming of questions from any level of expertise.  These are usually the most welcoming and helpful communities.

Two forums that I've found to be particularly helpful are Open Source Photo (OSP) and Flickr Groups.  OSP is made up of mostly professional photographers, which means that there are quite a few posts about business and marketing in addition to the expected portrait and wedding photography posts.  Flickr Groups are much more suited to any skill level and photography preference.  You can just as easily find answers to a question about fashion photography or landscape photography.  I've found answers to questions that I've had about Polaroid and Holga cameras, as well as more obscure photographic techniques.

In short, if you're not utilizing photography forums, you're missing out on a vibrant community of photographers around the world.  Together, the collective knowledge available to you through forums would take many lifetimes to learn on your own.  The next time you have a question about something, why not ask it in a forum?  You'll probably be surprised by the responses you get.

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