I subscribe to a lot of photography magazines. I get so many, sometimes I haven't finished the last issue when the most recent issue shows up. I usually have 2-3 sitting around waiting to be read. Because of this, I've been trying to decide which subscriptions I want to renew and which I want to drop. It's not like I don't like all the magazines, but it would be nice to read something besides photo magazines for a change.
One magazine that has definitely made the cut is Photo District News (PDN). Although it's the most expensive out of all the magazines I subscribe to ($65/year), it's also the most informative and useful. It's published on a monthly basis, so the news in each issue is up to date. It even comes with an online subscription that has exclusive content for subscribers that's not found in the magazine.
Each issue of PDN has a theme. Some past themes include lighting, weddings, studios and photography now. Although most of the articles in the issue are geared towards the theme, there is still plenty of industry news in each issue. PDN also does some product reviews, but they tend to be more of a description of real-world use instead of a bunch of technical tests. The articles that cover the theme of the issue are always filled with great information from people in the given segment of the industry. The insight they can offer is just amazing and the photos that accompany the articles are wonderful. There is also usually an interview with someone who is very involved with the theme of the issue, so one month you might hear from someone who works for an advertising agency about the mailers that caught her attention and another month you might hear from a photographer who does a lot of work with non profit organizations about how he got involved with non profits and actually makes money working with them.
Out of all the magazines I read, other than Rangefinder, PDN feels the most relevant to the professional photography community. There aren't articles about how to shoot great landscapes, tips for great wildlife photos or way to get people to look natural in photos. There aren't reviews for the latest point and shoot camera or which camera bag is the best. Heck, even the advertisements are more pro-oriented!
Although it's one of the more expensive magazines out there, it's one that I will definitely be renewing my subscription to. In an effort to save time and money and to simplify my life a little, some things just have to go. PDN just has to stay.
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