I thought that instead of writing about technology I already have, today I'd write about a few things that I would like to have. I'm not going to write a list of top-of-the-line camera bodies and lenses (although I wouldn't mind owning them), but instead a few things that I've found myself wanting for practical reasons.
Practical reasons? Really? Yes, really. It's easy to get caught up in gear envy and want to get the fastest glass, the best pro bodies and awesome strobes. I understand that and regularly drool over gear that I can't afford. It's also nice to be comfortable with what you own and actually find little parts of your system to be upgraded that will actually make a difference in your daily shooting habits. That's what this list is. So, here we go...
- Battery grip: After doing a photo shoot where I shot over 1300 images in portrait orientation, I decided that a battery grip would be a worth-while investment. I'm sure my wrist and shoulders will thank me.
- Higher-capacity memory cards: I had read something a while back that stressed the importance of shooting with lower-capacity memory cards so that if you lose a card you don't lose so much work. I think it might be better to have the ability to keep shooting and not disrupt the flow of the shoot to change memory cards so often. I've had some great shots that I've lost because I had just filled a card with my last shot.
- More Pocket Wizards: I've already got two, but more are always better. Whether I'm shooting with someone else who doesn't have any or I need to trigger a strobe that doesn't "see" the flash from my main strobe, I think a few more will come in very handy someday.
- Editing tablet: I'm getting tired of using a mouse to do fine editing on my images. I think this would save a lot of frustration.
These final few are just the start of my new camera wish list. I'm not planning on getting a new camera this year, but it's good to know what you need, right?
- Better high-ISO performance: With the advances that have been made in the last year, there's no reason not to get a camera with better high-ISO performance. I could have used it last week...
- 100% viewfinder: I would love to see everything that's going to be in my final frame. For some reason this has started bugging me lately.
- Larger viewfinder: This will probably come with a 100% viewfinder, but I'd love a larger view of what I'm shooting.
At the moment, that's about it. Sure, there are lots of other things that I'd buy if I won the lottery, but as far as "needs", these are at the top of my list because they're more practical and will be more useful on a daily basis, no matter what I'm shooting. Time to go shopping...
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