Monday, February 20, 2012

Denver Valentine's Day Weddings

On Valentine's Day this year, I was surrounded by love. Not only did I get to spend the evening with my lovely wife and photograph a super-cute couple, I also got to photograph a few weddings. A few? Yeah, a few. Oh, and a barbershop quartet stopped by for a bit. And so did the mayor of Denver.

The Denver Clerk and Recorder's Office contacted me about photographing couples who came in to get their marriage licenses on Valentine's Day. Instead of treating it like just another day, they've decided to embrace the fun of Valentine's Day and decorate the office, serve cookies and punch and even give out prizes! In the past they've had a staff member photograph couples, but this year decided to take it up a notch and have a wedding photographer (me) come in and take photos.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I was told that I'd be taking quick photos of couples who had just gotten their marriage license in front of a backdrop that the office put together. I had no idea that the entire room would be decorated and the backdrop would have so many hearts on it! I was blown away with how amazing it all looked!

It turns out lots of couples who came in for their marriage licenses decided to get married this year! How many, you might ask? Fourteen couples! Fourteen couples got married at the Denver Clerk and Recorder's Office on Valentine's Day and I photographed them all! It doesn't hurt that Herbie "The Love Judge" Galchinsky was there to marry the couples. What a great guy!

To top things off, the entire day received some pretty heavy news coverage. I think four major news stations were there covering it, as well as local radio and newspaper. As if things weren't crazy enough, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock showed up to see what was going on. He even gave his signature as the witness to one couple's marriage certificate!

Here are just a few moments from Valentine's Day 2012. I can't wait to see what happens next year!

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