Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sha’Quon - George Washington HS Senior

When I saw Sha’Quon’s list of activities and organizations that she’s involved with at school, I couldn’t believe that she has time for all of it. Then when I found out she also has a job with the govermnet, I knew she was not your average high school student.

Somme of Sha’Quon’s school activities include ROTC, Yearbook, Fashion Club and PIT, a mentoring program for freshman. I can totally see her being someone you’d want to team up with a wide-eyed, scared freshman. She’s just so nice, has a great smile and is probably loved by everyone at the school.

For her photo session, she preferred something a little more traditional, so we went out into nature and found some great locations for her photos. The weather totally cooperated by giving us a little shower before we started shooting, which cooled everything down and gave a little extra sparkle to grass and leaves.

She had a particular pond in mind, so that's where we went first. Of course, the fountain that is usually turned on was turned off, so we didn't get any great water features in the photos, but I think they still look great. After spending a little time by the pond we went over to some grassy open space. Finally, we ended up at a small office complex that had great landscaping. Guess what we found there? A fountain!

Through our entire shoot, Sha'Quon had a smile on her face and a great attitude. Even though it was cooler than it had been that day, it was still a warm day. Fortunately, Sha'Quon never missed a beat. She was happy to do what I asked her to do, but she still made the pictures her own. She was a pleasure to work with. Thanks, Sha'Quon!

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